Love and Its Meaning in the World, a collection of themed lectures by Rudolf Steiner. (Many of these included lectures are found elsewhere on this site and I have simply transferred copies of them here).

For your convenience, below is a zip file of this entire set of lectures. It does require that you have an unzipping utility of some kind on your computer. For you mac people this is built in.

The Entire Book Love and Its Meaning in the World


Prologue: The Mystery of Love (From Christianity as Mystical Fact)

1. The Division into Sexes (From Cosmic Memory)

2. Lucifer and Christ: Lucifer the Bearer of Light, Christ the Bringer of Love; The Children of Lucifer (from The Christian Mystery)

3. The Mission of Reverence (from Metamphoses of the Soul)

4. Love: The Mission of the Earth - I (from Gospel of St. John)

5. Love: The Mission of the Earth - II (from Universe, Earth, and Man)

6. Love: The Mission of the Earth - III (from Earthly and Cosmic Human Being)

7. The Buddha's Teaching of Compassion and Love (from According to Luke)

8. Faith, Love and Hope - I (from Faith, Love and Hope)

9. Faith, Love and Hope - II (From Faith, Love and Hope)

10. Freedom and Love Extract from The Apocalypse of St. John lectures

11. Love and Its Meaning in the World

12. Epilogue: I-Feeling, The Soul's Capacity to Love, and Their Relationship to the Elemental World.

13. Three Prayers for the Dead.