The Child's Changing Consciousness as a basis of Pedagogical Practice. A cycle of lectures with addenda by Rudolf Steiner. Given in Dornach April 15 to april 22, 1923 (CW 306)

For your convenience, below is a zip file of this entire set of lectures. It does require that you have an unzipping utility of some kind on your computer. For you mac people this is built in.

The Entire Book The Child's Changing Consciousness as a basis of Pedagogical Practice


1. Lecture 1, April 15, 1923

2. Lecture 2, April 16, 1923

3. Lecture 3, April 17, 1923

4. Lecture 4, April 18, 1923

5. Lecture 5, April 19, 1923

6. Lecture 6, April 20, 1923

7. Lecture 7, April 21, 1923

8. Lecture 8, April 22, 1923

9. Q and A with Dr. Rudolf Steiner

10. Introductory words to a Eurythmy Performance