Colour, a collection of twelve lectures by Rudolf Steiner (CW 291) . Lectures 1, 2, 3 were translated by John Salter and Pauline Wehrle translated lectures 4 through 12. Brought to you with the permission of Rudolf Steiner Press of London.


A zip file of the entire book.

1. Lecture 1: Colour Experience - Image Colours (Dornach, 6th May , 1921)

2. Lecture 2: Lustre and Image (Dornach, 7th May , 1921)

3. Lecture 3: Colour and Matter - Painting out of Colour (Dornach, 8th May , 1921)


4. Lecture 4: The Creative World of Colour (Dornach, 26th July, 1914)

5. Lecture 5: Moral Experience of the Worlds of Colour and Tone (Dornach, 1st January, 1915)

6. Lecture 6: Light and Darkness - Two World Entities (Dornach, 5th December 1920)

7. Lecture 7: Human Life in the Realms of Light and Weight (Dornach, 10th December 1920)

8. Lecture 8: The Two Fundamental laws of Colour Theory in Sunrise and Sunset and the Blue Sky. Health and Illness in relation to the Theory of Colour (Dornach, 21st February, 1923)

9. Lecture 9: From Space Perspective to Colour Perspective (Dornach, 2nd June, 1923)

10. Lecture 10: Spirit and Non-Spirit in Painting: Titian's Ascension of Mary (Dornach, 9th June, 1923)

11. Lecture 11: Measure, Number and Weight - Weightless Colour Essential for New Direction in Painting (Dornach, 29th July, 1923)

12. Lecture 12 The Hierarchies and the Nature of the Rainbow (Dornach, 4th January, 1924)