Colour, a collection of twelve lectures by Rudolf Steiner (CW 291) . Lectures 1, 2, 3 were translated by John Salter and Pauline Wehrle translated lectures 4 through 12. Brought to you with the permission of Rudolf Steiner Press of London.
A zip file of the entire book.
1. Lecture 1: Colour Experience - Image Colours (Dornach, 6th May , 1921)
2. Lecture 2: Lustre and Image (Dornach, 7th May , 1921)
3. Lecture 3: Colour and Matter - Painting out of Colour (Dornach, 8th May , 1921)
4. Lecture 4: The Creative World of Colour (Dornach, 26th July, 1914)
5. Lecture 5: Moral Experience of the Worlds of Colour and Tone (Dornach, 1st January, 1915)
6. Lecture 6: Light and Darkness - Two World Entities (Dornach, 5th December 1920)
7. Lecture 7: Human Life in the Realms of Light and Weight (Dornach, 10th December 1920)
9. Lecture 9: From Space Perspective to Colour Perspective (Dornach, 2nd June, 1923)
12. Lecture 12 The Hierarchies and the Nature of the Rainbow (Dornach, 4th January, 1924)