A Modern Art of Education, a cycle of 12 lectures plus a closing address and ancillary lecture by Rudolf Steiner given in Ilkley, Yorkshire, from the 5th to the 17th of August, 1923. (CW 307)
The entire Book as a zip file.
1. Lecture 1: Science, Art, Religion, Morality (August 5, 1923)
2. Lecture 2: Principles of Greek Education (August 6, 1923)
3. Lecture 3: Greek Education and the Middle Ages (August 7, 1923)
4. Lecture 4: Spirit's Relationship to the Body (August 8, 1923)
5. Lecture 5: Freeing Volition in the Human Organism (August 9, 1923)
6. Lecture 6: Walking, Speaking, Thinking (August 10, 1923)
7. Lecture 7: Rhythm, Sleep, Imitation (August 11, 1923)
8. Lecture 8: Reading, Writing, Nature Study (August 13, 1923)
9. Lecture 9: Arithmetic, Geometry, History (August 14, 1923)
10. Lecture 10: Physics, Chemistry, Handwork, Language, Religion (August 15, 1923)
11. Lecture 11: Memory, Temperaments, Physical Education, Art (August 16, 1923)
12. Lecture 12: Education Toward Inner Freedom (August 17, 1923)
13. Lecture 13: The Three Eras of Human Religious Education (August 12, 1923)